What is the real attention to advertising and what are people really doing when they look at it? Attention White Paper will answer these and many other questions

Without the attention of the audience, all the advertiser's promotion tools are meaningless. The concept of the Attention Economy is gaining popularity in the foreign market, according to which the attention of consumers is the most valuable resource. This is what AdTech companies say.
User attention deficit
The attention of the audience is the first and most important need of every advertiser. At the same time, it is obvious that the amount of human attention is limited. And the consumer today has too many ways to actively or passively avoid viewing and interacting with advertising content: he may not notice ads, close them, just look away or use AdBlock.

In response, many brands are trying to become louder than their competitors by choosing increasingly aggressive methods of promotion. But does it work? How many ads have actually been seen? What is the real attention to advertising and what are people really doing when they look at it?

To answer these questions, advertisers and agencies need a new approach to analyzing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

From the standard of visibility to real contact with advertising
On the one hand, attention has always been an integral part of determining the value of a brand's investment in paid media. But on the other hand, traditional advertising indicators, on the basis of which marketers make decisions, do not give a complete picture: according to the industry visibility standard MRC and IAB, an advertisement is considered to be seen when at least 50% of the advertisement is in sight for at least one second — for banner ads and 2 seconds — for video formats. However, research shows that there is a fundamental difference between viewing an ad that meets a generally accepted standard and actually seeing an ad.

In order for an advertiser to increase the effectiveness of contact with his audience, it is necessary to determine whether his content causes the desired reaction — first of all, whether it attracts attention. And this requires a deeper understanding and a new level of accuracy in evaluating the results of advertising campaigns. From this need, the concept of the Attention Economy was born: the attention of consumers is the most valuable and scarce resource. It is based on new user metrics — Attention Metrics.